Greetings, Aquarius, to 2023! These last few years have been especially trying, and you more than most can relate due to your all-encompassing humanitarian nature. Although you may overlook the smaller details at times such as returning text messages from those closest to you on time—you remain devoted in driving large scale progress forward.While it's natural to feel uncertain about your decisions on occasion, this upcoming year is especially uncertain. Your ruling planet Uranus enters a retrograde period at the beginning of the year and goes direct again on Sunday January 22nd. This could make for an unpredictable ride as far as decision-making is concerned! When you conquer your fears, it can be immensely liberating. You may feel emboldened to share political viewpoints or pursue new relationships without worry. As a result of this newfound freedom, you might find yourself being more involved in local activities and finding joy in what they have to offer: learning, teaching and sharing experiences with others. If you're looking to have your most successful 2023, it's time to start thinking optimistically and proactively. Our Astrology Self-care Calendar can help you get there! Don't wait any longer - take hold of the opportunities that await you this year in order to make sure your dreams come true.This resource is packed with everything you need to succeed. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity and stay one step ahead!
In essence, now is the perfect time to hone your communication capabilities and refine your overall mindset. As you focus on efficiently communicating, it will have a positive effect on all facets of life. By taking the time to cultivate meaningful relationships with friends, family, and neighbors through reaching out and making warm gestures more often strengthens both your relationship with yourself, as well as those around you. Moreover, there can be numerous chances for growth that arise from classes or courses attended, teaching others skills that you have mastered or even just everyday connections made in your local community. If you're interested in being more engaged with your community, now's the time to do it! Even if a conflict arises between siblings or neighbors, don't let that deter you. Smudging is a spiritual purification process that purifies one’s space or body & acts as a cleansing smoke bath that involves lighting the stick, gently blowing out the flame, placing it safely on the abalone shell allowing the smoke to fill your space, and wash over your body. We recommend the Smudging Kit: Palo Santo, Sage & Yerba Santa W an Abalone Shell. Keep your home and self cleansed and clear of any intruding energy.
As your season commences on Friday, January 20th and ends Saturday February 18th, make sure to be yourself - you'll thank yourself later! On your special day, take a moment to reflect on how blessed you are to have such wonderful friends and loved ones in your life. While it may not always come easy, allow yourself the opportunity to be self-indulgent on this celebratory occasion - after all, these people appreciate you for who YOU are! Make your birthday celebration last longer than one night, savor the taste of a sweet cake, or choose to hibernate in bed instead. Treat yourself to the Dinacharya ritual and put yourself first! Dinacharya is the Sanskrit term for daily Ayurvedic self-care rituals. Use this kit to begin incorporating basic Ayurvedic lifestyle practices & optimal balance into your day. 2023 is going to be a year of growth and transformation for you, Aquarius. You are on the brink of success, as long as you stay dedicated and focused. Remember: your mental health and well-being come first! Invest in yourself by reading books or taking classes that interest you. All PAAVANI products are Infused with Ayurvedic Healing Mantra. Tested on Family & Friends. Handcrafted in Small Batches with Love.
As the new moon graces your life on Saturday, January 21, you are about to embark upon a fresh journey. This could be indicative of tremendous changes in either your love or professional life. Nevertheless, what brings forth fruitful results requires continuous hard work and emotional labor. As an aloof air sign, sometimes it can be difficult for you to have tough conversations - like asking for better treatment in the workplace or expressing what kind of relationship formality you are looking for. However, when Mercury enters your sign this Saturday (February 11th), you will find yourself feeling brave and equipped to take on these issues head-on!Dendritic Agate is the perfect way to bring spirituality into your everyday life. It illuminates our position within God's grand scheme, and emboldens us as we step onto our spiritual journey with optimism and courage. This stone will keep you connected to Mother Nature while also staying grounded and balanced in the world around you. Not only that, it promotes feelings of opulence and thankfulness too! Treat yourself to this gorgeous crescent moon pendant with dendritic agate.
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